
Renowned French designer Philippe Starck says he is fed up with his job and plans to retire in two years, in an interview published in a German weekly on Thursday.
"I was a producer of materiality and I am ashamed of this fact," Starck told Die Zeit weekly newspaper.
"Everything I designed was unnecessary.
"I will definitely give up in two years' time. I want to do something else, but I don't know what yet. I want to find a new way of expressing myself is a dreadful form of expression."

Starck, who is known for his interior design of hotels and Eurostar trains and mass consumption objects ranging from chairs to tooth brushes and lemon juice squeezers, went on to say that he believed that design on the whole was dead.

"In future there will be no more designers. The designers of the future will be the personal coach, the gym trainer, the diet consultant," he said.

Starck said the only objects that he still felt attached to were "a pillow perhaps and a good mattress." But the thing one needs most, he added, was the "ability to love".

Philippe Starck: “Design is Dead”
Posted by Anthony James in All Archive, Interview
March 28, 2008 10:59 am, 492 Views

It seems Philippe Starck has made enough toothbrushes, toasters, watches, mopeds, chairs, trendy hotels, mediocre sushi restaurants and piles of money. So what is this shamelessly self promoting product designer doing now to get attention? Biting the hand that feeds him of course. In a recent interview with Germany’s Die Zeit Magazine, Mr. Starck proclaims the “death of design.” No longer satisfied with his life’s work and feeling that everything he ever designed was ” unnecessary”, the close to retiring designer wants to rain on everyone else’s design parade and create nothing but controversy. While I do agree with him that all he “created is absolutely useless”, I do have to argue his point that “design is dead.” There are countless designers (amateur and professional) delivering and working on products that enhance life, bring joy and make this world a little easier to deal with for people in all walks of life. Yes, there are many more designers working on mostly frivolous items we feature daily on Yanko Design, but those designs seem to just inspire us and push design further and into the mainstream consciousness of the world. Good design is always better than bad design, no matter the usefulness of any object. In his defense, if I spent an entire lifetime making objects of frivolity, I might be inclined to be introspective as well. Donate your money to worthy charities, help the helpless or lecture on the importance of environmentally sustainable, life enhancing objects, just don’t claim design to be dead and expect to exonerate yourself from the life you designed for yourself. Design is no where near dead, it just may be dead in Mr. Starck.

很震驚!法國著名工業&室內設計師Philippe Starck竟是語出驚人的打了所有正在從事與他相同行業的人一巴掌!這兩段文字敘述,也讓我著實心情沈重了一整天,在地球正漸漸被科技的過度發展侵蝕;虛脫...之際,會說出這樣的話,其實,有良知的人,都該能理解,只是,在地球面臨被大規模破壞;過度消耗的同時,人類到底應該怎麼面對此時此刻的良心譴責呢?尤其是包括我在內的一群正在從事如他所說的:『非必要性』的產品設計行業,是停下手邊所有的工作,立刻加入綠色組織?大聲鼓吹環保意識?我該如何做才能為後代子孫多留一些在地球生存的餘地?(文章引用自pen2's Revival,要跟版主說聲道歉,昨日post這篇文的時候,心情受到Philippe S.這些話的影響,導致心緒不太集中,心裡一直想著該如何為自己正在坐的設計工作找一個冠冕堂皇的藉口好讓自己心安的繼續作下去....以致於一時忘了標記出處,很抱歉!)


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