“I am an artist and a teacher. I make crazy little things and draw lots of pictures. I write things sometimes. I have three blue typewriters, but I do most of my writing with ink.......”
Michelle C. Moode,從加州來的美國人,想像中她該是個愛做夢的藝術家、俏皮親切的老師,任思緒馳騁在夢中的大草原,才能做出這樣讓我一眼就愛上的小品。(相片取自
原作說明:A little scoop of art. Several types of paper, beeswax, watercolor, some tea, some graphite, some knots, and stitching. The white support-paper is a textured watercolor paper.(複合媒材:水彩紙、蜜蠟、水彩、石墨、縫線...)